Intelligent key cabinets and locker systems for every application. Traka systems enable you to secure, manage and audit the use of almost any physical asset, including premises, devices, secure areas, equipment, machinery and vehicles. Traka provides intelligent key management and equipment management to better protect your important assets - resulting in improved efficiency, reduced downtime, less damage and fewer losses which in turn means less administration and lower operating costs
Intelligent key management
The problem with conventional keys is that they are hard to manage and track - at best they will be behind a security desk where staff will issue them, making notes and collecting signatures (many quite illegible). But often, in less security minded complexes, they will be in a manager’s cupboard, left hanging on hooks or even locked in a desk drawer. Who controls access to these keys- and, more importantly, the buildings, facilities, equipment, confidential paperwork or vehicles that they give access to?
Keys may not be a high value item to replace but when you consider what the keys are controlling, they could be the most precious assets within the company. Keys could be linked to drug cabinets, car keys, sensitive documentation or even access to hazardous areas… if these get into the wrong hands, not only is it an expensive process to change all the locks, but it is also breaching security and safety standards.
Traka key cabinets only allow authorised users to access these keys, ensuring they remain accounted for at all times. The system automatically records when a key is used and by whom on a database. Traka systems also maintain a simple to use, yet effective, fully audited history of all your key transactions which are made available for quick display via the software reporting function. Secure your keys to physical assets including buildings, facilities, equipment and vehicles and avoid keys going missing, getting misplaced or getting into the wrong hands.
'Clever keys' vs conventional keys
Traka\'s solution is simple. Keys, or keysets, are permanently attached using a tamper proof security seal to a metal iFob. The iFob is an extremely strong nickel plated brass cylinder, which contains an electronic chip, giving it a unique identity. Thus, the keys are effectively electronically tagged. The iFob, with keys attached, locks into a receptor strip within the key cabinet until released by an authorised user.
Two immediate benefits:
- Keys no longer need to be labelled - so if they get dropped or lost, there is no immediate identity issue and security risks are minimised.
- Keys are available 24/7 but to authorised staff only - so there is no issue about leaving keys unattended should the manager be off-duty or away on holiday.
“It’s quite amazing how quickly keys get returned when users know they are both accountable and traceable.”
Traka intelligent asset management lockers enable you to track your assets via our unique RFID technology, charge your devices so that they are always ready to issue and securely store valuable items so they don’t get into the wrong hands.
Traka offers secure intelligent locker options for controlled access to personal items, industrial equipment, tools and a wide range of mobile, computing and data terminal type devices. These are widely used in organisations such as sports centres, schools, hospitals, power stations, factories, aircraft manufacturing, airports, car hire agencies, distribution centres, retail environments , the Police and other Emergency Services. In environments where shared portable equipment is not always treated with respect - and is prone to being lost, damaged or misplaced - the ability to identify who last used a specific piece of equipment, and when, can provide essential management information.
Traka provides a very effective way to control access to, and traceability of equipment usage whilst also introducing significantly higher levels of user accountability and responsibility, which often results in less damage, fewer losses and reduced operating costs for your business. Traka locker solutions can be networked with our Traka software so that you have full visibility and reporting capabilities of each transaction, asset and user. Alternatively, our system can also be standalone allowing you to program user access levels and administration rights straight into the locker and export data via a USB port.