Paxton is the UK designer and manufacturer of market leading IP access control and door entry systems, with 30 years’ experience. Paxton manufacture all products in the UK and export to over 40 countries worldwide. Paxton has become the installers’ company of choice through their efforts to offer installer focused products and services. The company continues to enjoy significant international expansion. Paxton pay exceptional attention to the development of high quality products, ensuring they consistently bring advanced solutions to the market.
Why choose Paxton?
For most companies choosing an access control system is a major financial decision, one of the factors being cost, but above all else its reliability and the ability to match clients requirements.
Paxton Access specialise in access control solutions, the company has their own development team that design systems which are fit for purpose that contain all the necessary features for a well run organisation or company. The Paxton products have won a reputation for reliability and ease of use.
When companies or organisations implement an access control system it can feel like a massive change in process and company practice, access control systems should give enhanced security without time consuming administration tasks.
Why Paxton Access Control?
Access control enables you to control who has access to your building. Locks and keys also allow you to secure your building, but when keys are lost or stolen, the inconvenience and expense of changing locks and re-issuing keys can be considerable. Keys may also be copied, creating even more security risks.
All businesses, whether small, medium or large, have assets that need to be protected from theft. There is also the issue of protecting staff and their property. It is common in buildings that are secured by locks and keys for doors to be left unlocked all day. This opens up the possibility of opportunist theft and malicious damage.
How can we help?
At Guardian Security Systems we can source, supply and fit the Paxton Access Control systems to organisations and companies, to find out more please get in contact with us today.
Electronic access control provides the most efficient and convenient way of securing your building and assets. Installing an access control system means that you will never have to change a lock again. Tokens are issued to allow access through the controlled doors, and are easily barred from the system if they are lost, stolen or just not returned by someone who leaves your company. Barred tokens will not allow access through the controlled doors.